Assessing Liberal City Status of Billings

Metropolises throughout the country are experiencing increased political polarization. Despite Montana’s predominantly conservative stance in elections, has its primary urban center, Billings, undergone a shift towards liberalism? Billings is one of the liberal cities in Montana.

Billings, despite being the largest and most heterogeneous metropolis in Montana, upholds the state’s overall conservative principles and is not regarded as liberal. However, the city’s political landscape has evolved over time due to the influx of individuals relocating from different parts of the country and this is the reason it is important to find is Montana liberal or conservative.

Unquestionably, residents of Billings were enthusiastic to engage in conversations regarding their city’s political ideologies. In this article titled “Assessing Liberal City Status of Billings”, you will find dialogues among the locals, previous electoral outcomes, and the legislation influenced by the city’s political positioning to understand Billings Montana politics.

Unveiled Insights from the Locals in Billings

Prior to relocating to a metropolis, it is crucial to ascertain the city’s political orientation and the type of community you will be rewarded with. The optimal method to gain authentic insights into the city’s actual character is through direct communication with the residents.

And that’s precisely the course of action we pursued to understand is Montana liberal or conservative! In order to provide you with the utmost accurate information about the community of Billings, liberal cities in Montana, we engaged in conversations with numerous individuals to gather their perspectives on the city’s inclination towards liberalism or conservatism.

While the majority of locals concurred that Billings primarily adhered to conservative values, there were individuals who perceived a gradual shift towards liberalism within the town over the course of time.

According to a survey, approximately 87% of Billings residents viewed the city as predominantly conservative, while the remaining 13% believed it leaned more towards liberalism.

The perception of liberalism can differ across regions. The Californian interpretation of liberalism starkly contrasts with the Montanan definition.

According to a resident, the town is characterized as conservative, as evidenced by the community’s resistance to wearing masks during COVID-19 restrictions, limited acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community, and demonstrations in support of pro-life causes.

Predominantly inhabited by ranchers and farmers from Montana, Billings tends to attract individuals who share similar beliefs. Nevertheless, when someone aligns with the Montanan ideology of self-reliance and resilience, the community warmly embraces them, regardless of their political stance.

Due to its embrace of industrious individuals, numerous small-scale enterprises opt to establish their presence in the town.

Despite the anticipation that these modest businesses would encounter difficulties competing against larger corporate entities found in metropolitan areas, the residents of Billings unite to provide unwavering support for their local enterprises instead.

The area is often recognized as a sizable yet close-knit community. Despite having a larger population compared to other cities in Montana, the town exudes the characteristics typically associated with a small-town atmosphere.

Residents watch out for one another, and hard work is highly valued. As per the locals, these principles, along with various other facets, contribute to Billings being categorized as a non-liberal city.

However, even if you identify as liberal and contemplate relocating to this region, you will still encounter individuals who share similar beliefs.

To ascertain whether a town leans towards liberalism or conservatism, it is essential to consider additional factors such as voting patterns, firearm and abortion regulations, environmental policies, and various other aspects.

In the following sections, we will delve into some of these subjects to assist you in forming your own judgment on whether Billings is one of the liberal cities in Montana.

Exploring Voting Patterns Across Time

Analyzing the voting pattern of a county serves as a commendable method to evaluate the general political allegiance of the region. Let us find out Billings Montana politics in detail here.

As per the information provided by the Yellowstone County Elections Office, the 2020 General Election witnessed a turnout of 81.48% among voters, marking a rise of 6.48% in comparison to the 2016 General Election.

Among the voter participation in 2020, a mere 36.39% supported the Biden/Harris ticket, whereas 60.22% favored Trump/Pence, and 2.81% endorsed a third-party candidate.

According to Politico related to Billings Montana politics, the county exhibited fairly comparable voting outcomes during the 2016 General Election, with 59.6% voting for the Republican candidate and 32.5% voting for the Democrat. The percentages remained relatively consistent even in the 2014 election.

The voting records indicate that a significant portion of Yellowstone County, with Billings accounting for 66% of the overall population, tends to lean conservative rather than liberal.

Regarding the notion of Billings becoming more liberal as indicated by the locals, the data reveals a consistent conservative trend in Billings over the past ten years. Therefore, although some may perceive a forthcoming change, it may not necessarily be the case. Hence, the Billings Montana politics is somewhat understood here.

Firearm Laws

Montana, in its entirety, strongly upholds the Second Amendment’s right to possess firearms. The regulations and limitations pertaining to the acquisition and possession of guns exemplify this endorsement.

To acquire a rifle or a “long gun,” an individual merely needs to reach the age of 18 years. However, to purchase a handgun or its corresponding ammunition, one must be at least 21 years old. There is no requirement for a permit or license to obtain either type of firearm.

Certain areas allow open carry with a few constraints. Moreover, individuals who have completed the requisite training and obtained a permit can carry a concealed weapon, albeit subject to certain area restrictions.

Governor of Montana, Greg Gianforte, enacted HB102, a new gun bill, into law on February 18th, 2021, altering the enforcement of concealed carry throughout the state. This legislation allows individuals to carry concealed firearms in bars, banks and other such public areas, even if they don’t possess a concealed carry permit. Moreover, those who do have concealed carry permits can still carry concealed firearms in areas that were subject to restrictions before.

Numerous inhabitants of Billings maintain the belief that crime and violence pose the most significant challenge to the city. The approval of this legislation aims to enable a larger number of residents to safeguard themselves against becoming targets of violent offenses according to HB102.

This approach certainly does not align with a “liberal mindset,” further emphasizing the conservative nature of this locality.

Read more about this bill and its effect on Montana Gun Laws from the Montana Free Press here.

Engaging in hunting and sports activities constitutes a significant aspect of the Montana lifestyle. Even in the present time, numerous residents of Montana opt to hunt each season to ensure their freezers remain well-supplied instead of relying on trips to the supermarket.

Given the prominent role firearms play in the Montana way of life, regulations pertaining to gun ownership are minimal, and everyone is advised to acquire the necessary skills to handle firearms proficiently and securely.

Abortion Debate in Billings: Views and Opinions

Multiple residents asserted that Billings was a highly supportive community when it came to right to live.

Commencing in 2007, Billings initiated its annual “March for Life” event, featuring numerous residents engaging in songs, prayers, and a subsequent march to the Yellowstone County Courthouse, all aimed at expressing their dissent against the federal Roe v. Wade decision.

Similar “March for Life” demonstrations took place in various locations throughout the state, including Helena and Bozeman.

In February 2021, the Montana state legislature confronted four distinct bills pertaining to abortion. Among these bills, one proposed the requirement of notifying women about the risks associated with abortion-inducing drugs, while another mandated the offering of a sonogram to mothers prior to proceeding with an abortion.

The last two proposed laws offered safeguards for infants who are born alive during or after an abortion and banned abortions beyond 20 weeks of gestation.

Pro-life residents held a positive perception of these bills. On February 26th, 2021, both bills were successfully passed by the Senate. They currently await the governor’s approval, who has already expressed support for the bills’ purpose.

Regardless of whether Billings residents identify as pro-life or pro-choice, they are obligated to abide by the legislation enacted by the state legislature, which predominantly aligns with pro-life principles.

Environmental Billings, Montana Politics

Billings has gained significant recognition for its numerous petroleum processing plants. A substantial portion of the city’s economy is centered around these refineries and the enterprises that depend on their output.

Situated southeast of Billings, Montana, lies the Billings PCE Groundwater State Superfund Site. Encompassing an area of 855 acres, this locality has been polluted by the presence of chemicals from dry cleaning and industrial activities.

Following its designation as a superfund site in 1992, the PCE embarked on the extensive process initiated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to eliminate contaminants from the area.

Given Billings’ economic dependence on the industrial sphere, it is improbable that the refineries will cease to exist. Nevertheless, to safeguard the plentiful natural resources for which Montana is renowned, the Billings refineries must adhere to a set of preventative measures and pollution remediation practices.

Learn more about the Billings Refineries from East of Billings here!

Considering these factors, it becomes evident that Billings does not adhere to environmental policies that align with progressive ideologies. And hence we are settled with the question that is Montana liberal or conservative.


Billings, Montana exhibits a mix of ideologies, leaning towards a conservative political stance but with some liberal characteristics. The question “Is Montana liberal or conservative” or “Is Montana a liberal state” is much debated. While the state of Montana is generally conservative, Billings, largest city in Montana, does have pockets of liberal sentiment and progressive movements. However, the city’s overall political landscape tends to favor conservative values, with a history of supporting Republican candidates and emphasizing limited government intervention and individual rights. Therefore, Billings can be considered a city with a blend of ideologies rather than strictly liberal.